After the war ended, thousands of Vietnamese working for the Australian and American forces were persecuted or killed by the victorious North Vietnamese government. 越战结束后,成千上万曾经为澳大利亚和美国军队服务的越南人受到取得胜利的北越政府的迫害,甚至被至于死地。
The North Vietnamese were still moving up supplies for the attack on Hue and Kontum. 北越仍在向前运送物资,准备进攻顺化和昆嵩。
China thus agreed with our interpretation that North Vietnamese forces had to vacate Cambodian territory. 就这样中国同意了我们的解释,即北越部队应当撤离柬埔塞领土。
One began with China's efforts to help the North Vietnamese defend against the Americans, and the other with observing, modifying and improving the recipe of a countryside practitioner. 青蒿素工作源于中国帮助越南抵抗美国,三氧化二砷源于观察、验证和改进乡村中医的实践。
North Vietnamese stonewalling doomed Cambodia, however, to prolonged agony. 然而北越人的拖延战术却使柬埔寨惨遭长期的磨难。
North American Monarchs and the Vietnamese Monarchs can be distinguish by its marking. 北美帝王蝶和越南帝王蝶可以通过它们的记号区分。
One of my staff raised the matter with a North Vietnamese protocol official. 我的一个工作人员就此事质问了北越礼宾官员。
Some captured radio operators, ordered by the North Vietnamese to ask for more agents, managed to signal to their CIA handlers with code words that they were being held. 有些被北越俘虏的无线电发报员,被北越命令发出增派情报员的要求,但他们成功地以密码告知中央情报局联络人他们被俘的消息。
Tetis a military disaster for the North Vietnamese. 春节对于北越来说是军事上的败笔。
As for a political settlement in Laos, the North Vietnamese leaders remained evasive. 在老挝问题的政治解决方面,北越领导人的态度仍然捉摸不定。
Once the North Vietnamese forces had spread all over the country, the die had been cast. 一旦北越军队推进到全国,命运就已经决定了。
Once, the US Military Command wanted a North Vietnamese soldier taken prisoner to prove allegations that Hanoi was breaking truce terms by sending troops into the demilitarised area. 有一次,美国军事指挥部要活捉一个北越士兵,以证明「河内破坏停战协议,派军队入非军事区」的指控。
Nixon was grateful for pompidou's discreet and practical help in arranging my secret talks with the North Vietnamese in paris. 尼克松感激蓬皮杜为我在巴黎与北越人秘密会谈所作的周密安排和提供的各种具体帮助。
Current broadcast languages are Mandarin, Cantonese, Burmese, Khmer ( Cambodian). Lao, North Korean, Tibetan, Vietnamese and Uyghur. 目前的广播语言包括汉语普通话、广东话、缅甸语、柬埔塞语、高棉语、北朝鲜语、藏语、越南语和维吾尔语。
Therefore, the actions of both sides were cautious, during the process of U.S. the policy-making over-stimulation the Chinese was avoidable, to convey to them in an appropriate way that the Johnson administration has no intention eliminating the North Vietnamese regime or invading China. 因此,双方的行动都是谨慎的,美国决策者在战略制定过程中为了避免过度刺激中国,还以适当的方式向中国传达无意消灭北越政权、无意入侵中国的信息。